


The importance of Islamic knowledge is highly emphasised in the Quran and Sunnah and an area where Muslims once pioneered to such an extent that this served as a conduit for the pioneering of knowledge throughout all disciplines.

There is a communal obligation of providing the facilities for instilling Islamic knowledge and Tarbiyya (inclusive development) in our children. In fulfilling this obligation we aim to establish a Maktab for children between the ages of six and twelve, with classes becoming gender segregated. The classes will be held during the evenings and are delivered by qualified, DBS checked and English speaking teachers to ensure that the children’s understanding and development is never hindered. The classes are well structured and follow a balanced syllabus providing consistent teaching and regular monitoring of progress.



  • To provide Islamic education for Muslim children irrespective of race, colour, ethnicity or geographical background.
  • Teaching the Holy Qur’aan.
  • Instil Islamic beliefs in the hearts of the pupils in the light of the understanding of the Qur’aan and Sunnah.
  • Teaching the basic and necessary Islamic injunctions according to the Quran and Sunnah.
  • Introducing the life of the Holy Prophet s.a.w.
  • Teaching manners and conduct in line with Islamic etiquette and beliefs.



The Syllabus will cover

Quran  |  Dua’s  |  Amma  |  Seerah  |  Fiqh  |  Tajweed  |  Akhlaqiyyat






Children of any age are more likely to be happy and to achieve their best, if their parents take an active interest in their education and welfare during the time the child is in Madrasah.



Your child’s age must be 6 years old. No child under this age will be considered.

Note: Parents are always very eager to enrol their child as soon as possible. However, we at times fail to realise that very young children are actually not ready for the “intensive learning” that takes place in the foundation stages of the Madrasah, in addition to this there are other equally important issues such as being able to visit the toilet independently, putting on your shoes independently etc.

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